My skills

The result of my 25-year-old professional experience


Would you like to enhance your own research and development or implement a new technology and you need
support ?


Have you decided to organize a corporate event and are you looking for someone who take care of technical and scientific matter ?


Do you want to monitor the innovations of your international competitors or product and market trends of your core business ?

Send me an email


Are you looking for a skilled resource that works with you for the time necessary to realize your business project
development ?


Do you want to discover the alchemy that would make more visible your site and your products in the web and social media ?

What can I do for you ?

Find the solution to your problem !

risolvere-problemi-in-breve tempo

Find the solution in a short time

In 25 years of research and development, in academia and industry, I have developed skills and acquired knowledge in many fields of applied chemistry. Your chemical or technological problem has a solution, and I can identify it in a short time.

Develop your business

Consolidation or development of a business requires access to technical, scientific and market information . I have the right network of people that allows me to find it quickly and provide the necessary support to their proper use.


Draw up a business plan

Maintain competitive your company requires investments increasingly challenging. Evaluate the potential return on your investment, based on a business plan, increases your ability to make the right choices and facilitates your access to financing channels.


Coping with environmental legislation

You're dealing with yet another evaluation of emission in the environment of your company, by the agencies, and you have decided to avail of a professional advice about the regulatory, technical and analytical environmental monitoring.